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direct competition中文是什么意思

用"direct competition"造句"direct competition"怎么读"direct competition" in a sentence


  • 直接比赛
  • 直接竞争


  • More direct competition through internet booking
  • Clive harris : we have direct competition from j . k . toys
    克莱夫哈里斯:我们面临j . k .玩具公司的直接竞争。
  • If you work for us , you will be in direct competition with your former company
    如果?为我们工作, ?就能与先前的公司正面交锋。
  • Misunderstanding : database companies see xquery as direct competition to their core businesses
  • There is a viewpoint that china and thailand will be two rivals in relatively direct competitions in five years
    有观点认为, 5年之内,中国和泰国将是两个比较直接的竞争对手。
  • He says the world ' s 860 million automobile owners are now in direct competition with the two billion poorest people
  • He says the world ' s 840 million automobiles owners are now in direct competition with the 2 billion poorest people
    他说全球的8 . 4亿机动车车主正在和20亿的最穷困的人群展开直接竞争。
  • But now the exchanges are moving in this direction too , potentially putting them in direct competition with their biggest customers
  • He says the world ' s eight hundred sixty million automobile owners are now in direct competition with the two billion poorest people
  • The direct competition between microsoft and sony in the electronic entertainment industry is the most interesting case since the beginning of the 21 century
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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